Market Insights | EBC Official
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Surge in Foreign Interest in Chinese Investments: EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett Shares Insights with Yi Cai.
On May 27, 2024, Memorial Day (US) and the Spring Bank Holiday (UK) will be observed. Trading hours will be adjusted across markets.
EBC Financial Group and Elite Trader Club Enhance Mosque Facilities and Support 75 Orphans through CSR in Banten, Indonesia.
EBC Financial Group mobilizes swiftly to support Hualien communities with essential aid and rebuilding initiatives.
May 15, 2024, marks Buddha's birthday. In preparation for the Hong Kong holidays, trading hours will be adjusted in various markets.
In response to the latest MetaQuotes requirements, EBC's server "EBCGroup" will be renamed to "EBCFinancialGroupKy" this weekend.
EBC Financial Group Joins United to Beat Malaria, a Campaign of the United Nations Foundation, and Supporters Worldwide in Move Against Malaria.
David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, shared his insights on the changes in the investment landscape at Berkshire’s shareholder meeting.
On May 6, 2024, the early May bank holiday will be observed. Trading hours will be adjusted in various markets for the holiday.
EBC Financial Group was voted as "Most Efficient Broker" through its operational excellence and client-centric service by the trading community.
May 1, 2024, is Labour Day, and trading hours will be adjusted across several markets due to the holiday. Please plan accordingly.
Anzac Day on April 25, 2024, may change trading hours in several markets due to the holiday. Please expect adjustments.
Participate in the global Move Against Malaria 5K event from April 25 to May 5. Your involvement can save lives and help eradicate malaria.
EBC Financial Group won the Friend of Asia Pacific award from WAGGGS for supporting women's growth through education and training.
EBC Financial Group and the United Nations Foundation unite to defeat malaria and enhance global health systems and malaria prevention and treatment.